Top 6 Funniest Dog Activities To Do Outside

I'll write about my top 6 funniest activities to do with your dog outside. Let's start!

1. Agility and obedience- You may not be surprised but there is nothing funnier than these sports!

2. Hike with your dog- What's better than exploring the nature together with your best friend?

3. Run with your dog- It may be a little boring running yourself. Taking your best friend with you makes running so much funnier!

4. Strength training with your dog- If you like me think strength training is boring... Do it together with your dog and it will be way funnier! You can for example teach your dog to sit on your back when you do push-ups by enticing him up on your back. It may be a bit tricky but maybe someone can help you.

5. Swim with your dog- I'm far from a fan of swimming but I must admit swimming with a dog isn't too bad!

6. Play hide-and-seek- A good exercise if your dog isn't always listening to you. By hiding yourself at the moment your dog loses focus on you, your dog will probably be seeking for you. Either you call him or let him find you by himself.

What is your funniest dog activity to do outside?

We explore the nature
We play hide-and-seek
Joy isn't a fan of swimming



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